MONSTERS There are currently almost 100 monsters lurking within Mythos, 13 types in each World (with some overlap), with more on the way. The different critters have different attributes and behaviors (partially defined by your race and/or alignment), so don't attack at random: some are not dangerous to you at all, and many could be down-right helpful. Of course, the further you go and/or tougher you become, so do the critters you forewarned! Killing monsters add to your experience & some monsters, when killed, drop their gold or an Item for you. Certain monsters can poison you or give you a disease. Either will gradually kill you, but there are potions and other magick to nullify their effects. Some monsters have special attacks and/or defenses, that can range from the slight to the deadly (see Combat), and some can only be injured with Relics, so select your enemies wisely... Individuals Name: Each critter has a randomly-generated name; creatures will always refer to each other by this name. Occupation: Each critter also has an Occupation, which influences the creatures capabilities and behavior/reaction...A creature's Occupation is usually displayed by a colored circle to the upper-right of the monster (with the creature's Allegience number in the center) Priest: (white circle) Buys & sells Relics Merchant: (green circle) Sells & buys most anything Soldier: (black circle) Protects others of his Allegience Craftsman: (blue circle) Deals in Armor and Weaponry Freebooter: (red circle) Hireable; protects others of his Allegience. Leader: (yellow circle) Either the World's King, or the head of a Stronghold Wizard: (magenta circle) Buys & sells Wands Farmer: (cyan circle) No current function, will influence food supply in advanced adventures Sometimes, attacking a member of an Occupation (say, a Wizard) will prompt others of the same Occupation to launch an assault on you... Allegience to a Faction: Most creatures you encounter, assuming they're reasonably intelligent, will have allegience to one of the Factions of their World. These Allegiences (and your interaction with those who have them) will greatly influence much of the Adventure...the creature's Allegience number is usually displayed to the upper-right of the monster, inside of the Occupation colored-circle. For instance, most Soldiers and Freebooters of a given Allegience will protect others of that Allegience...if you go and attack a Farmer, you may well find yourself under assault by the Soldiers & Freebooters with the same Allegience on that Floor. Display Modifiers In certain circumstances, creatures (or you) may be displayed inside of a colored circle, as follows: Yellow Circle: Indicates that the creature is in "Attack Mode," though not necessarily against you... Red Circle: Indicates that the creature (or you) has been hit & sustained damage. Blue CIrcle: Indicates the creature is Hired by you Conversation Go up to a creature of reasonable intelligence (or use special magick for others; any critter in Mythos may have something to say) and press the Talk key . If it wants to talk to you, you'll get a picture of the critter (art currently being done for most) and a list of topics the beastie knows about. Pressing a Topic button (e.g. Items) will usually display a list of sub-topics (e.g. Potions), and pressing one of those buttons will display the facts about that particular topic that the creature knows. After selecting a topic, a blue "up" arrow appears in the top-left of "Talk about" area. This is a "go back one level" button, which (at this point) will return you to the Topics listing. Once a sub-topic is selected, a red arrow appears in the upper-right portion of the "Talk about" area. This arrow takes you back two levels of conversation (to the main Topics listing, and the blue arrow will now take you back to the sub-topics listing (i.e. one level). Each critter only knows a few things about about any Topic (or sub-topic) listed. You can press the "Up" and "Down" arrow buttons at the bottom of the display to see the monster's knowledge of the current sub-topic. Use the arrow buttons to navigate to another topic/sub-topic, or press "Done" to end the conversation. Some specialized topics behave differently: some may have a drop-down menu of further options; others may present a dialogue box for additional information.The current global topics are: Appease: Appears only if you are in active combat with a creature; the creature will want a random amount of gold (mostly based on the level of the Monster) not to kill him, & he'll go away, at least for a bit.... Buy Item From: Commerce on the personal level; what the creature has to sell you is dependent on its Occupation. Campaigns: provides specific info on the Campaign's lore. Hire: Engage the services of a creature, always a Freebooter, usually of similar alignment to yourself. This feature is not yet completed, as you can currently only hire critters as Bodyguards; they will follow you to and from different floors, and in and out of Rooms, but they can not yet follow you off their native World. Bodyguard: Pay the creature to help you fight your battles...this hirling will help with creatures YOU have attacked, not neccessarily critters who have attacked you (and you have not responded in kind). Porter: Not currently implemented...will allow the creature to carry Gold and Items for you. Release From Service: Terminates the creature's employment with you. Items: tells you what items have which traits for the current adventure. Missions: specifics depend on what's going on, in the context of the Mission being discussed... Monsters: gives you info about specific critters. Not all of this information is in at this time, so some monsters will impart info that is actually about other critters... Oracles: freebie Oracle answers! Sell Item To: Commerce on the personal level; what the creature will buy from you is dependent on its Occupation...a good way to get rid of some less-than-useful items...